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Texeler wool

Texeler wool - a wonderful resource

Wool is a unique fiber that can absorb up to 35% of its own weight without feeling damp. Thanks to the structure of the fibers, liquid substances can be passed through the hairs. Rigid and coarse wool fibers are very airy and adapt to your body temperature. This makes the wool a perfect raw material for mattresses and down comforters.

Green Sleep products do not contain soft Merino wool, which fits perfectly with clothing, but which for our applications would be felted too quickly due to pressing, rubbing, sweating and heat. We only use clipped wool of coarser Cheviot types, such as Texeler wool or Connemara high mountain saw-wool. These types of wool are more elastic and airy.

We also preserve the natural lanolin so that the control of humidity is optimal. In addition, we wash the wool in an environmentally friendly way with natural soaps and without bleaching the dark hairs with sulfur dioxide. We also do not add chemical wool softeners. As a result, the somewhat muffled sheep smell is preserved, and the fleece is not dyed uniformly white.


The sheep that produce the wool for the production are fed as organically as possible and do not receive antibiotic treatments. They live on the land, and the wool is neither washed nor dipped with unnatural chemical substances

Today, the market for wool produced by sheep that live a completely ecological lifestyle is extremely small, and we therefore also have to accept the wool of sheep grazing along roads and waterways. We are doing everything we can to expand the supply of organically grown wool and hope to be able to secure the entire demand for organically grown wool in the not too distant future.

It is especially important not to wash the wool with acidic detergents, but rather with detergents that are as close to pH neutral as possible. Wool is extremely heat resistant and makes our wool-covered mattresses so heat resistant that they meet the British and Californian requirements for heat resistance. In fact, we received an öko-tex100 certificate for the production.

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